I think the issue might be with the apostrophe. Can you try this code?
Copy and paste into A12:
=QUERY({INDIRECT(V14),INDIRECT(V15),INDIRECT (V19),INDIRECT(V18),INDIRECT(V20),INDIRECT(V21),INDIRECT(V19), indirect(V22), indirect(V24), indirect(V26)}, "select Col1,Col2,Col3,Col4,Col10,Col9,Col5, Col6, Col8 where " & if(D6="","","upper(Col2) contains '" & upper(D6) & "' and ")& if(D5="","","Col9 ="""&D5&""" and ")& if(D4="","","Col10 = '" & D4 & "' and ")& if(H4="","","Col9 != '" & H4 & "' and ")& if(H5="","","Col4 != '" & H5 & "' and ") & if(B5="","","Col3 = '" & B5 & "' and ") & if(B6="","","Col4 = '" & B6 & "' and ") & if(F6="","","Col6 CONTAINS '" & F6 & "' and ") & "Col1 >= date '"&TEXT(AC13,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"' and Col1 <= date '"&TEXT(AC14,"yyyy-mm-dd")& if(H11=FALSE,"'","' and NOT Col4 MATCHES '" & TEXTJOIN("|",true,AA13:AA) & "'") & if(F4 = FALSE,"","and Col8 <> '' ") &if(F5="","","and upper(Col8) contains '" & upper(F5) & "' ") & if(D7 ="Negative","and Col5 <0 ","")& if(D7 ="Positive","and Col5 >0 ","") & if(H8 ="","","and Col5 <= "&H8&"")& if(H7 ="","","and Col5 >= "&H7&"") & if(F7 ="","","and Col5 = "&F7&"") & "Order by Col1 " &H6 &" ,Col9 asc Label Col1 'Date', Col2 'Description', Col3 'Group', Col4 'Category', Col5 'Amount', Col6 'Tags', Col8 'Note', Col9 'Account', Col10 'Institution'")