Yearly Budget Overview

I’ve been using Tiller this year and overall have really enjoy the automation and data presentation. one thing i miss from a prior budgeting spreadsheet is the ability to see the yearly budget reconciled to a given month/time of year showing the difference between budget and actual to that point of the year. i think the closest i’ve seen in the monthly budget sheet but that’s not cumulative. here’s a shot of what i’m referencing.

is there any way to do this currently? i’ve found the yearly budget to be too visually cluttered for my liking.

thanks everyone

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Hi @phats22,
Someone raised a similar request in 2023. Maybe the suggestions in the reply there will help you. A condensed yearly budget template?

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@phats22 Did you find that template useful? ^^

thx for the follow up question. the suggestion from that thread was to use a P+L statement or edit the view on the yearly budget overview. i tried looking at those options but dont think its what i’m looking for- the P+L doesnt show the cumulative budgeted amounts as a comparator and the yearly budget overview doesnt show the month by month cumulative amounts.

the yearly budget overview would do what i’m looking for if the option existed to look at the tallied results in variable timeframes instead of defaulting to a 12 month period. the closest i came was altering the date formula in B3:D3 to show the Jan through current month (October, as an example- AH3) which updated the column heading to the timeframe i was interested in but that didnt update the any of the other forumlas for either the budget or actual columns.

not sure if i’m explaining that clearly enough…