2021 Actuals Not Appearing in Monthly & Yearly Budget

I have updated dates to 2021 however Monthly Budget and Yearly budget not picking up Actuals for January 2021. Note Yearly Budget is picking up actuals for Year to date data?

That is strange, @mpmoc1. I’m not seeing that behavior in my personal sheet.

Can you check:

  • Do you have a Jan 2021 budget month setup in your Categories sheet?
  • In your Monthly Budget sheet, does cell K15 show “1/1/2021”?
  • Are you certain that the 2021 transactions in your Transactions sheet are dates (i.e. not text) in the Date column? (I sometimes check this by using the Format / Number option and using a different date format; if it does not change, the cell is being interpreted as text.)


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Hi Randy,

I would like to save my 2020 budget categories or at least save the 2020 Yearly budget (budget vs. actual). I could still have a few 2020 transaction trickle in so would like to archive once complete actuals.

Then want to copy the 2020 budget categories to 2021. Thank you.

Hi @randy,

I’m having the same issue as the OP.

Just a brief background in case it has any bearing on the problem I’m experiencing:

  • I had just done a CSV file import (for my bank account’s transactions done between Jan 1-21) using the Tiller tool for it. (After about an hour going back and forth looking at the yearly and monthly budget sheets trying to understand how they were laid out).
  • I decided to move around some columns so that the interface looked more appealing to me. (In case it has any bearing on the issue, my current column order is: Date, Description, Category, Amount, Account, Account #, Institution, Month, Week, Full Desc., Tags, Categorized Date, Date Added, Metadata, Check Number).
  • I then manually added 4 line items for Jan 21 transactions made on my credit card.
  • I ran AutoCat.
  • I looked over at the yearly and monthly budget tabs and didn’t see any updates in actuals for expenses or income. (there were 23 transactions that were added - so the actuals should definitely have changed).
  • I then went back to the transactions sheet, tried opening Tiller Money Feed and updating the sheet to see if that did anything. Two transactions from today popped up in the feed.
  • I then went back to the yearly and monthly budget sheet, which still didn’t show a change in January’s actuals.

I went through all of the steps you outlined for the OP and it was all as expected.

Please help!

Thank you in advance.

Update: Since my income was one of the things that wasn’t updating (the other being expenses obviously), I thought I’d see what happened when I duplicated an income line item from January. When I did it, my actual income in the monthly and yearly budgets updated to reflect the new amount. Then I started to copy one of my incomes from January cell by cell into the copied income line item to see if it was an issue with one or more cells. But when I went back to the yearly budget I saw it had updated to the correct amount.

It also seems to be working fine now!

Hi @randy,

I am having a similar issue and cannot resolve. I have tried all the suggested solutions in the thread to no avail :(. My Monthly Budget and Yearly Budget Sheets are no pulling actuals from the transactions. However, it appears that my Monthly Analysis spreadsheet is working.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,


I’m here in 2023 with this problem.
I went through your 3 steps above, but i still have this same problem.
How can i get help troubleshooting this?

So, you’ve checked that:

  • You have added columns and date headers starting with Jan 2023 in your Categories sheet?
  • In your Monthly Budget sheet, does cell K15 show “1/1/2023”?
  • Are you certain that the 2023 transactions in your Transactions sheet are dates (i.e. not text) in the Date column?

You could try restoring the Monthly Budget template within the TMF add-on.

These tools are supported by our Customer Success team so you can absolutely reach out to them in Intercom.

I double checked the dates, changing the formatting from the 44000 format to a prettier date format and removed bad categories that I had pasted into transactions, and now it works. I don’t know if these or other unremembered interventions worked, or if simply having some time made the magic happen, but I’m happy now that it works. Thanks for your repasting here which did have me go back to touch the date formatting again.

Sounds like it was just an errant formatter— dates formatted as text or something. Usually not an issue. Glad to hear it is working again.