I’m having an issue with the Account Filter template from Tiller Community Solutions. Couple of days ago, it worked. When I select an Account from the dropdown, no transactions show up. Please help
Usually starting by restoring the template using the Tiller Community Solutions Add-on is a good first test.
Hi Randy,
I should have added that I had already restored the template before asking for help. I see all Accounts in the dropdown, but when I select any Account no transactions show below.
@anilparikh1 - are they showing up for any account you select or is it a specific account? If it’s all accounts, most likely it has something to do with a missing, rearranged, or misspelled header on the Transactions sheet. If it’s just a single account, I’m not sure where to dig in on that one and hopefully @randy or @jono would have an idea.
Hi Heather
You are correct. There was a column header missing in Transactions sheet, which resulted in none of the dropdowns working in Account Filter. I added back the header in Transactions sheet and everything works just fine.
After fixing missing column header in Transactions sheet, I added a Wells Fargo bank account. This is the only not showing up in Account Filter. Restoring Account Filter sheet did not help. So the issue seems to be confined to one Account - Wells Fargo.
Hi @anilparikh1 - is it by chance named the same as some other account? I don’t think the Account Filter sheet is good about filtering by Account ID so if it happens to have the same name as some other account (e.g. a generic name like CREDIT CARD) it could just be rolling up into the other account.
Otherwise, double check that there are transactions in the Transactions sheet within the specified date range for the account.