Question on an error message I am getting in using the Community Tools AddOn. The AddOn installed and on one of my Tiller Money Feed linked spreadsheets works fine. However on a 2nd Tiller linked spreadsheet, when I click Open Sidebar, the sidebar shows the black-background landing screen but then just hangs there, without moving to the Explore, Manage, etc menu.
Further, if I use Google’s AddOn > Tiller Community Solutions menu to run an individual item such as Manage Solutions, I get what looks like a Google Apps Script Error that says "ReferenceError: “tags” is not defined.
Any ideas what might be causing this? Is the CommunitySolutions add-on looking for certain data in the spreadsheet in order to properly launch? I’ve checked to ensure that the two spreadsheets (the one working and the one with issues) have identical versions of key sheets like Categories, Balance History, etc.
“tags” are used with the “Explore” menu where it allows you to explore sheets based on tag but it could also be some issue with a “Tags” column in your Transactions sheet.
Do either of the sheets have a “Tags” column in the Transactions sheet?
Sorry about the hassle @gargary. This was my fault. There was a bug in the add-on that only occurred when all of the featured templates had been installed. I didn’t catch this in my testing.
Sorry about the hassle @gargary. This was my fault. There was a bug in the add-on that only occurred when all of the featured templates had been installed. I didn’t catch this in my testing.