Did Chase credit card account names change for everyone?

I have two credit card accounts with Chase. Everything has been working great. But today I noticed that their names have changed without my intervention. The Accounts tab now flags them as Invalid, they’re Uncategorized in the Balances tab, and new transactions are coming in with a new name. Old name was something like “Prime - xxxx1234” new name “Prime (-1234)”. The x’s are gone and parentheses added.

I know how to rename accounts and fix all the things associated with the new names, so I’m not asking for help. What I am asking is, has this happened to other people with Chase accounts? Is this a temporary glitch or a permanent change by Chase or Yodlee or Tiller? Can I expect this type of thing to happen occasionally with other accounts? I’d like to know a little more before I spend the effort to repair my spreadsheets.

Hmm. Odd. I haven’t seen any changes in my Chase accounts.

My Chase credit cards still look the same in Tiller.

I’m wondering if you have been using the data provider account names, without renaming them, and so if the name coming from the data provider changes, it gets passed along to your spreadsheet?

I have renamed all my accounts.

This may or may not be related, but I have a couple Chase accounts, and two of the credit card accounts have swapped account ids more than once. Unfortunately, I don’t think I tried to troubleshoot through Tiller - it was faster just to correct the data - so I can’t shed any more light on it.

I know that I renamed some accounts when I first set things up, but I don’t know if I renamed the Chase accounts. It’s a little confusing trying to follow the before and after names since I see three different ones: Prime, Prime -xxxx1234 and Prime (-1234). But it will be easiest to just fix the data and not worry about how it happened.

I observed the same behavior with this past week with accounts from Bank of America, which leads me to believe it isn’t an issue with a particular bank.

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Did you happen to edit the credentials on your Chase account or re-provide the open banking authorization?

No, I didn’t make any changes to the credentials or make any other changes to those accounts prior to this issue. I’ve since renamed them and cleaned the data in my spreadsheet so all is well.

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I’m glad you were able to get it cleaned up, not sure why it occurred but it doesn’t seem common enough to happen again.