šŸ† Envelope Register - Google Sheets

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The Problem

Iā€™ve been working towards getting my budgeting to work within an ā€œEnvelope Systemā€ (where you put money into an ā€œEnvelopeā€ and thatā€™s what you have to spend), but itā€™s been more challenging than I would like. It occurred to me that just because I canā€™t get my entire budget to work using an ā€œEnvelopeā€ system, doesnā€™t mean I canā€™t apply the ā€œEnvelopeā€ concept to parts of my budget.

The Solution

This template provides a simple way to define a ā€œVirtual Envelopeā€. Itā€™s flexible in that you define the column to look at, and the name of the envelope, and if the template finds the envelope name assigned to a transaction, it adds it to a register for that envelope. This allows you to make a Category, Group or Tag into an envelope, or better still you can create your own dedicated ā€œEnvelopeā€ column. The sheet then counts down what the current balance of your envelope is, checkbook register style. You can enter an ā€œOpening Balanceā€ (or any other manual transactions that arenā€™t included in your ā€œTransactionsā€ sheet) in the ā€œManual Envelope Withdrawals/Depositsā€ section of the template. You can filter transactions in the template, allowing you to focus on a specific time period (eg. just transactions from this year), and you can sort transactions ascending or descending (I like to see recent stuff at the top).

How it Works

The way this differs from using ā€œCategoriesā€ on the ā€œMonthly Budgetā€, ā€œSavings Budgetā€ or ā€œBudget Statusā€ sheets is that it if you use a dedicated ā€œEnvelopesā€ column (or tags), you arenā€™t restricted to one category, it allows you to collect any transactions you choose to count against the chosen envelope. If the way you categorize transactions doesnā€™t align with the way you fund your spending/income, this can provide a new way of organizing, viewing and measuring your spending/income.

  • The Envelope sheet currently doesnā€™t feed into any budgeting system, and doesnā€™t relate to any of your accounts, itā€™s just a way to keep track of the amount of a bunch of transactions youā€™d like to group together.

  • You can use the ā€œEnvelopeā€ drop down to switch between multiple envelopes, or duplicate the envelope sheet and create as many envelope sheets as you need. Envelope sheets can be renamed to anything you like.

  • You can use AutoCat to add envelope tags to specified transactions the same way you would with categories.

  • You can use an existing Tags column to hold your envelope tag (it recognizes comma separated tags), or you can create a dedicated ā€˜Envelopeā€™ column if you prefer.


Open the link to the ā€œEnvelope_Registerā€ template below. On the ā€œEnvelope Registerā€ sheet name at the bottom of the screen, click the triangle and choose ā€œCopy Toā€, then ā€œExisting Spreadsheetā€ and select your Tiller foundation template. Open your Tiller foundation template, find the new sheet (itā€™s likely the last sheet) and rename it to whatever youā€™d like (itā€™s likely named ā€œCopy of Envelope Registerā€) by clicking the triangle on the sheet name and choosing ā€œRenameā€.


  1. Decide which column youā€™d like to use to hold your ā€œEnvelopeā€ designation. Options include (but arenā€™t limited to):
  • Category - If you want every transaction in a category to become an envelope.
  • Group - If you created a ā€˜Groupā€™ column and want every transaction in a group to become an envelope.
  • Tag - If you already have a Tag(s) column and you want every transaction with a particular tag to become an envelope.
  • Envelope - If you want a dedicated column for designating envelopes, create a new column wherever youā€™d like on the Transactions sheet and name it whatever youā€™d like (eg. ā€œEnvelopeā€).
  1. Enter a few envelope designations for transactions youā€™d like to be included in that envelope
  2. Enter the name of the column you chose in cell I11 of the Envelope Register sheet.
  3. Using the drop-down menu, select the envelope from cell I3 of the Envelope Register sheet.
  4. Use cells I5 & I7 to filter the transactions by date if you desire or leave them blank if you want all transactions included.
  5. Use cell I9 to change sorting from Descending to Ascending depending on your preference.
  6. If you prefer, enter an ā€œOpening Balanceā€ in columns K-P. This section can also be used for any manual transactions youā€™d like to include that donā€™t otherwise show up on your Transactions sheet.


If you want to limit your spending on something, coffee for example, you can create a ā€œCoffeeā€ envelope and establish an opening balance of $500. Every time you have a transaction from purchasing a coffee, add the tag to your Envelope column and on the Envelope Register sheet youā€™ll see it deducted from the $500, with a total at the top of how much you have left to spend until your envelope is empty.

If you want to limit how much you spend on games to how much you make mowing lawns, tag all your lawn mowing income transactions with 'Games" in the Envelope column, and when the total on Envelope Register sheet is enough to buy the game you want, buy it and then mark the transaction with the ā€œGamesā€ tag so itā€™s deducted from the total on the Envelope Register sheet.

The way Iā€™m using itā€¦

Iā€™ve been using this for a couple months, and itā€™s already making my brain happier. I have an envelope for my personal spending (items that are just for me and shouldnā€™t be funded by ā€˜joint fundsā€™) and personal income (income that extends beyond what Iā€™ve agreed to contribute to our ā€˜joint fundsā€™). I setup a similar envelope for my wife. Iā€™m using a dedicated ā€œEnvelopeā€ column to hold the envelope tag. As transactions come in, I manually assign an envelope tag to any ā€œPersonal Spendingā€ or ā€œPersonal Incomeā€ transactions, regardless of the category they are in. I try to keep the number in the ā€˜greenā€™, so my spending doesnā€™t exceed my income, just as if I was putting all the income into an envelope that I could use to spend on what I wanted.

In my wifeā€™s envelope, it not only combines spending and income transactions, but also a weekly ā€œStipendā€, which is transferred from our joint account, and in Tiller is categorized as a ā€œTransferā€. Transfers wouldnā€™t normally show up in reports, but if you add the envelope tag to it, it will show up in your envelope transactions as an ā€œIncomeā€ transaction (the ā€œCategory Typeā€ doesnā€™t really make a difference here, itā€™s just ā€œSummingā€ everything, so positive transactions will appear to be ā€œIncomeā€ and negative transactions will appear to be an ā€œExpenseā€). I used the ā€œManual Envelope Withdrawals/Depositsā€ section to establish the ā€œOpening Balanceā€ of her envelope so it matched the balance of her bank account. This allows me to compare the envelope balance with the actual account balance, helping ensure personal spending isnā€™t coming from a joint account, and joint spending isnā€™t coming from her personal account. If a personal or joint transactions comes from the wrong account (not a frequent occurrence), we do a bank transfer between the accounts to keep her account at the correct balance.


Anything you do on this sheet will have no effect on the rest of your Foundation Template. Envelopes created in this template have nothing to do with actual accounts. When you ā€˜fundā€™ an opening balance for an envelope, you arenā€™t actually transferring funds, youā€™re simply defining an amount youā€™d like to start counting down from. If people find this useful (not sure if itā€™s just useful to me or if others will find it useful as well) Iā€™ll create an Excel version. Please let me know of any problems you run into, or suggestions on how to make it better or build upon it! If you enjoy it, donā€™t forget to hit the ā€œVoteā€ button at the top of his page!

Thanks for posting this feature ā€“ I am an excel user and would like to give it a try.

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Bravo - envelope tracking for Tiller has been long overdue, I like this implementation, very simple and easy to use. Voted!