My situation is very simple, all my bank accounts are in USD but I manually track non-USD spending (mostly cash) by added “currency” and “original amount” columns in the transactions sheet. I keep the “amount” column in USD and bulk convert based on whatever rate I got when withdrawing cash.
I use Moneywiz app to track my Portuguese bank expenses from Millennium bcp, and then each month manually input those expenses into the Tiller worksheets. It would be a godsend if Tiller supported my EU bank.
Thanks for the responses, @TomGoBravo and @leavittvoice. Tom, it sounds like your needs aren’t too disruptive to the way the spreadsheet is built. And Mr. Leavitt, it sounds like it would be nice if your Portuguese bank accounts could be automatically fed with a currency indicator.
Would love to hear from other users for whom these questions are relevant…
Will be doing this come summer with a Spanish bank account (Banc Sabadell). They are part of the EUs open banking system, but I am not sure a US based aggregator will play nicely with them. Anyone have experience there?
Interesting, @deganon. I’m curious as well to hear about the feed quality with the Spanish bank. Will you be doing multiple currencies in the spreadsheet?