It's the 4th of Dec and my most recent transaction updated was the 25th of November

I recieve no errors, I refresh my bank account in the Tiller Console often. Usually the updates are a few days behind which, although annoying, I can understand. I’m 9 days off now. I recieve Update fills 3 etc here and there, but in 9 days my updates have trickled in from the 24th to i’m now recieving some from the 25th. I’m using google sheets. My transactions go from Tiller transaction sheet → “organized” (Income/Expense/Savings) → “previous month” and a “current month” sheet and then a summary page that pulls from these sheets. I’m getting #N/A errors all over, because my formulas aren’t able to find any data for the current month. Please help

Unfortunately, this happens quite a lot - for many reasons, most are out of Tiller’s control. If your banks are USA banks, you can contact Tiller Customer Support by logging on to and click on the little message “circle” in the extreme lower right of the screen. Leave a message for customer support, and they will be able to help you. You won’t get a lot of help in this forum for sync’s that stop working because we have no access to the sync mechanism. So give it a try and hopefully you’ll get it worked out sooner rather than later. Oh - before you contact Tiller support, check the Institution alert spreadsheet to see if your bank is listed. If it IS on the outage list, then rest assured that Tiller is already working with the aggregator, so you won’t need to contact them. Here is a link to it:
Using the Institution Alert Dashboard | Tiller Help Center
good luck!

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