Keep getting error now: "The state token is invalid or has expired. Please try again."

I searched and the last mention of this was last year. I can’t even use the damn thing now because every day this week I just get “The state token is invalid or has expired. Please try again.” Right when I try to log in from the sidebar. Nothing else has changed except this new error.

EDIT: if I keep trying it eventually comes up. sigh.

I keep telling myself it’s inexpensive, but it’s still a piece of software we are PAYING for.

@DDXdesign Are you using Google Sheets or MS Excel?

@Clint.C Google Sheets, sorry

What OS and browser are you using? I would assume Windows and Chrome but we have some Mac users too.

Have you already tried clearing the browser cache, rebooting your computer and router?

I’m ironically on MS Edge (built on chrome), but on a Mac.

I haven’t tried any of those things, but if I keep trying and it eventually works without doing those things, then those things are not likely to be the culprit.

Will you got me stumped.

I’m glad to hear it eventually works.

All I can suggests is a few other things I would try to narrow down the cause.

Maybe someone else here has the answer!

Almost 3 weeks later, this is still happening.

Where are you seeing this error?

I’ll just chime in to say that this has been happening to me periodically lately. Here’s what happens:

-The sidebar logs itself out.
-I click on the button to log back-in, which takes me to the general Tiller log-in screen. When I try to log-in with my gmail account, I get the stale token is invalid message.
-I seem to be able to fix it by going back to my Tiller sheet, reloading the page, and relaunching the sidebar.
-Not sure why it’s happening, and it doesn’t seem to be predictable when it happens. But it’s new over the last few weeks.

I’m in Sheets on a Mac in Chrome if that’s helpful for diagnosing.


Thanks for the details. It might be the auth token (a Google security setting) that logs you out after inactivity or a certain amount of time elapses and requires a close out/re-launch.

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This starting happening to me this morning as well. Using chrome on a Mac.

Hi @dharhas does closing your sheet and re-launching Tiller Money Feeds help?

I’ve found that it’s not necessary to close the sheet entirely. I’ve starting just closing the sidebar after I’m done refreshing, and then I can reopen it the next day without any issue.

Looks like some combination of closing the sheet/browser fixes it.

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Glad that helped @dharhas :+1:t5:

Noted @dmetiller !

Just wanted to let you know that this was happening to me as well and your reply helped. Still have no idea why it was happening.


If you don’t close out of the browser session then the authentication token will expire. Google requires that you close out of the sidebar then log back in to provide a fresh authentication token.

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It should be possible for the extension to check the expiration of the authentication token and request a new one if it has expired. This check should be performed every time a user clicks the button to login (or skip the check and just always request a new token). This page has some good info: Handling Google OAuth Refresh Tokens in a Chrome Extension

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Thanks for this resource, I’ve shared it with our team to review.

We do perform a check every time a user clicks the button to login, but when users don’t close out of the add-on after a whole day (maybe over night it’s left open) then that check can’t run.