Macro for pulling new transactions?

I’m wondering if anyone knows how to create a simple button on Google Sheets that will launch Tiller and pull any new transactions? I tried doing this using Record Macros, then assigning a script to a button, but I got an error message “ReferenceError: menuToSidebar is not defined”

Admittedly I’m a complete rookie with Sheets scripts - the process for pulling new transactions is just sort of clunky, and my wife would like a cleaner option.

Unfortunately, It isn’t doable with the Tiller add-on

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Okay - that’s actually better news than you think, because now I won’t waste hours trying to make it work! :joy:
Thank you

Have you tried using the auto fill selection in the add on? This will automatically fill new transactions once daily into your spreadsheet at about 2 am.

It is found under tiller money feeds>Settings>auto fill

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I think @bentyre1 has the right idea. Give it a try, @aaronbcowan.

I did not even know there was an auto-fill option. Thanks!

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Thanks for the reply - yeah, I have tried Auto-Fill, but the problem is my bank requires two-factor authentication, so when it tried to update I would just wake up the next morning with a text message containing my security pin :neutral_face:

Yehp that’s a downside to the 2 factor authentication, but for the ones that dont have it then autofill works well. But i do understand the frustration otherwise.