Just noticed that a refund I received, and which is a deposit into my Chase account, appears as a charge in the Tiller feed today. I am concerned because this means that there could be other errors - I don’t want to comb through double checking transactions against my accounts, obviously. Have there been any other reported issues like this? To resolve, is the best thing to do to delete the ‘-’ in the amount?
Hi @oliviap, we have had others in support report this yes and have a few open tickets with our data provider to resolve. For issues like this best to reach out to support@tillerhq.com for resolution. But yes, in the short term just remove the -.
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Thank you @heather! Oops, as you can see I am new! I wasn’t sure if there was a real issue or i was just misinterpreting something! Thank you again and I will reach out to support in the future!
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