Say Hello, Money With Tiller’s New Daily Email Update

Yes, I can confirm that I have now received the email 4 times and there is no transaction or balance information in any of the 4 emails.

I don’t have access to the Tiller console during the day but I will try to do that when I can get a computer.

Just a note that I also received Hello, Money 3x this morning.

I realize you’ll have as many opinions as you have customers, so I do empathize. It’s hard to please all and I love what Tiller does. So, now for my opinion. :slight_smile:

I preferred the previous email format for its ability to see everything in a quick glance. All of my transactions for the day fit within a half of a phone screen (or less), and the total data with balances fit in 1.8 phone screens. The same information is now 4.5 phone screens long.

I don’t know how many people are in the same boat as me, but I can tell from the description of the transaction which account it would have occurred in. So to break them up just adds too much space for me. Also, if there are no new transactions, that’s even more space for each account telling me there are no new transactions.

For the “last refreshed” information, I feel that’s only useful if it hasn’t refreshed. For example, I’d rather have a warning/alert if the account hasn’t been updated in over 2 days rather than a message that says “everything is fine”.

Of course, this isn’t a deal breaker. And of course I’m glad new things are being tried out. This just missed the mark for me since I prefer a more condensed view. Luckily I’m a programmer and I can recreate the previous daily email myself…because with Tiller I own the data. :tada:


Thanks for the improvements!

By default the email seems to include all my archived amounts. These archived accounts are typically duplicates of current accounts, that over the years have piled up because something changed and Tiller couldn’t tell they were actually the same account.

It’s great that I can go remove those accounts getting the email, but the default should be not up include archived accounts. Also the UI makes it hard/impossible to identify which ones are the archived. For example:

It’s unclear which one I would need to uncheck.


Loved today’s email format. So clean, much more readable and super useful.

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I was eager to hear feedback about this one. I think it’s this (but I am confirming with Randy).

Within the Balances Summary it should be sorting alphabetically by institution and then alphabetically by account.

Within Transactions it’s supposed to be

  1. Institutions alphabetical
  2. Accounts alphabetical but those with new transactions above those with no transactions (so basically accounts with no transactions show at the bottom of an institution’s list rather than alphabetically mixed amongst ones with transactions.

Thanks for your feedback @ChrisMildebrandt, noted for future release ideas!

@bramp sorry about that! It was a regression we didn’t catch for sure. You can toggle those off on the Console in the config area until we can get those removed from any view. The best way to identify them is to edit the name of the archived accounts to include an X or “archived” but I know that’s a pain.

Welcome, @robv :wave: glad you loved it!

I don’t think that is correct. Here is a screenshot from mine. it seems be all over the place for the institution.

oof, yea that doesn’t look right. I’ll log a bug :bug:

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Hi Tiller! It is apparent that a lot of thought and effort went into ‘Hello Money’. I think it shows considerable promise. Its flexibility and the ability to see the results immediately are great.

There is a lot of data to scan, too much for my taste. I would like to be able to focus on just exceptions and changes, i.e. customize it to only show refresh data for overdue accounts and to only list accounts if there are new transactions.

‘Hello, Money’ is big improvement.

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Wow, A lot of comments. I have read through them but have already lost track of a lot of them so just going to jump in with my thoughts. Sorry if they are redundant.

  1. I guess my preference would be for all transacations first. I have gotten very used to scanning through the transactions list first thing in the morning to see if anything looks out of whack. The balances in each account are secondary and then third would be the Total Assets/Liabilities/Net Worth.

  2. I also received 3 copies of the report this morning. As noted, it is a bug that is being worked.

  3. I agree with a number of folks @Mark.S and @jpfieber that having manual accounts included would be very helpful for Net Worth. I also understand that there is not an easy fix for that.

  4. Yes, the sorting does seem to be weird. In Balance Summary (both Assets & Liabilities) it seems to be by Instituation Name (Z-A) and then accounts seem to be sorted by name (A-Z)

Overall, I really do like the new layout. I do not do any financial stuff on my phone so having a very compact format is not essential for me, but no complaints if that is the way it works out.

Thanks for all the great work everyone at Tiller does. I do love the product!!


love this new mail. the latest information in my mail is just what i was after.

Is Monarch part of Tiller?


No. Very different companies with very different products that are generally in the same product area.

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Thank you for fantastic new layout!

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This was a welcome surprise ! 100% awesome.

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Agree that transactions on top would be better. I don’t need to see balances often


Okay, I got to my computer, painstakingly renamed all of my archived accounts (which was a lot, because I’ve been a Tiller user for a long time) so that I could filter them out, and refreshed. A few notes:

  • I did not receive an email at all this morning. Will see if I receive one tomorrow now that I’ve toggled the accounts off and on again.
  • Looking at the preview email, I do not care for the layout at all. The Balances Summary at the top takes up a bunch of space and the net worth part of it is inaccurate for me because of manual accounts. I don’t like how long the email is (even after filtering out the archived accounts, it’s so long that Gmail cuts it off!). I miss having all the new transactions at the top where I could quickly scan them. It feels like it would be so easy to miss a fraudulent transaction hidden under an account heading the way it is now.

If I could have a Dream Remodel on this, I would add back the “New Transactions” section, have Net Worth be something that can be toggled off, and have a way to customize what order things show up in the email (I’d put New Transactions back at the top, personally).


Thanks for your feedback here @stephonee, @david.andrzejek, @ramerkw, @rdc.tiller, @david6, @ra4gto, @cuneoa :slight_smile:

@stephonee please definitely let me know if you’re still not receiving the email. The team made some changes on Friday to prevent the duplicate copies being sent, but the side effect could have been that if the process takes too long and times out it would prevent the email being sent to some people. The reason multiple were being sent is because it was timing out then re-trying, but not knowing where it left off so just resending to everyone that already got it.

My two bits worth on the daily email…

I like balances at top. Then, if they look off, I can check the transaction details.

Excellent work on the email! I got 3 emails right off the bat when the system “launched”. Now, right on time every day pretty much same time early morning.

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I did not receive an email this morning.