Sorting Accounts sheet breaks it and now all data is reported to be invalid

After getting my Foundation Budget template set up, customized, and running smoothly, I chose to alphabetize my Accounts (Column A, A-Z). It did that but now all account data is showing an orange tick in the upper right corner. (Invalid: Input must fall within specified range). I tried to undo the change, no work, then tried to restore previous version, won’t load.

What to do? All Balances data is blank, same with Net Worth Snapshot.

I’d recommend restoring the Accounts template using the Tiller Labs add-on. You may need to subsequently restore the Balances and Net Worth templates.
These sheets mostly show derived data so this shouldn’t result in data loss other than any overrides you applied to the Accounts sheet.

Thank you for the reply, however I have no idea how to do what you are recommending.


Finally figured out how to restore the sheets I needed. Thanks.


Cool. So it’s all working now?
Sorry to not be more specific. (I was checking in on a phone at an airport.)


Yes. I learned not to sort my Accounts list. Too bad there is no instruction or warning about doing this, but I eventually figured it out.

I’m sorry the repair was so painful, @4edjennings. Honestly, I’m unsure why you weren’t able to revert easily with an undo in Google Sheets. I’m glad to hear your spreadsheet is working again.

Yes, thank you. “Undo” didn’t work, neither did revert to previous version. Google sheets would not load. I finally chose to delete the data, but couldn’t find the way to restore the original data, and just deleted the sheet entirely. That’s when I discovered it is not easy to restore a core sheet. You gave me a clue when you referenced Tiller Labs. Using that, I figured out how to restore the Accounts sheet and eventually how to retrieve the data I was missing. Whew! It took many hours and over a day to do this. My point is that Tiller Money needs to develop a User Manual so that a customer can see what to do rather than guess and make a mistake that takes a lot of work troubleshooting to repair. An ounce of instruction is worth a pound of troubleshooting.
