Tiller and Capital One

The below quote is from a Tiller webpage. It indicates that daily re-auth are not required but a refresh is required for me. What can I do, if anything, to prevent the manual refresh? Thanks!

The open banking connection with Capital One will end the requirement for daily re-authentication for Capital One so we’re extremely excited to be able to transition this site to open banking!

Web Page

Hi @rdc.tiller - are you sure you’re required to manually refresh or perhaps are you just not waiting long enough for the automatic refresh to happen?

Usually the account will automatically refresh within 36 hours so if you’re finding it’s not refreshing in that timeframe just try waiting to see if it will auto refresh on its own.

Sometimes the “consent” will expire for an open banking connection and that will require you to re-authenticate but that’s usually only once every 90 days. I don’t know the exact consent token expiration timeframe for Capital One.

I was expecting overnight refreshes, not every three days. Is days the defacto standard? I thought overnight refreshes around two or three AM was done for accounts. Thanks!

Hi @rdc.tiller actually I am looking into this further - my own Capital One account hasn’t refreshed since 12/4. I’ve asked our data provider for more details about whether there is something new with Capital One and the auto refresh schedule.

But once every 36 hours is about the norm for accounts that can auto refresh. The 2AM schedule you’re thinking of is the Auto Fill for Google Sheets that’s a separate process. The Auto Fill just fills in whatever is available in our database into your Google Sheet. If the account hasn’t refreshed (separate process) there won’t be anything to fill.

I think Mint does it nearly everyday, but I may be wrong.

I’ve noticed the past few weeks that my Capital One accounts rarely refresh on their own as well. I’ve had to go into my.tillerhq to manually refresh them.

Yeah, Capital One auto-refreshes about every 3 days for me, always longer than any of my other accounts.

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Has the data provider given any details regarding the Capital One refresh requirements?

I haven’t received a reply yet, but will share back here when I do :slight_smile:

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Thank you Heather.

My trial ends tomorrow. May have a trial extension until the Capital One question is answered?

Thank you,


They don’t do trial extensions as far as I know. So this is my 3rd time trying Tiller, I just passed the trial period, and the lack of automatic reliable refresh on almost anything is driving me insane. I really like the form factor - that’s what’s keeping me here - but it’s just plain not an automated solution if you have to run it yourself every day for every account separately. Not thrilled paying for something that barely works.

Thanks for your feedback @DDXdesign - are you coming from Mint? We’re hearing a lot of Mint folks are thrown off by the need to manually refresh some accounts because they didn’t have to do that in Mint. Mint was powered by Intuit’s data feeds whereas right now we’re only powered by Yodlee. Their agreements and integrations with the banks are going to be different and is likely why the 2FA requirement wasn’t as big of an issue with Mint.

Anyway regarding this Capital One issue, our technical account manager at Yodlee let me know the following:

“The team confirmed that for capital one the refresh is scheduled once in 3 days due to a load issue that capital one reported. Basically, they requested us to reduce the number of refreshes due to this reason. We are in discussion with them to revisit the load issue, we should have an update around this by Jan next year.”

So basically we just have to live with a 3 day automatic refresh cycle for now.

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Nope, not coming from Mint. The last one of this sort of software extension I used was a smalltime operation (one guy I think) and it reliably pulled the data every single day from almost all of my accounts, including CapOne - There was one oddity in that his script suddenly dropped the ability to see my loan balances at my credit union even though the other accounts and transactions were still fine.

I switched to Tiller because of its form factor and additional quality of life items; I didn’t have to write a bunch of Xlookups to get the latest balance or last payment dates, for instance. But the difference in the pulling of the data is stark. EDIT: I forgot to say here that it’s not just a 3 day cycle that is at issue, it’s the fact that several accounts seem to never be able to operate without manual intervention.

I think that as long as these reliability issues exist, Tiller should consider maybe a decent discount in subscription prices, or at least extending the trial period to see if people can live with it.

Thanks for the additional context @DDXdesign - this is actually not a signal of the service being unreliable, it’s just the way many of these connections have to work due to the security settings. It means your accounts are more secure when the manual intervention is required due to 2FA.

I’m just taking the sum of the parts here and the individual ‘symptoms’ may in and of themselves have underlying reasons.

But I have not yet had to have the manual intervention needed BE because of 2FA - at least not that I can tell. Besides, I don’t have nearly enough money to care if people can see how much money I have. I’d rather have the data scraping be automatic and as close to realtime as possible, and never have to touch it.

If I wanted to manually have to update all my accounts, I’d literally look them all up and update my spreadsheets manually.

Interesting conversation to follow. I’ve tried a bunch of these different platforms over the years, and I’ll observe that Tiller is the first one through which I’ve successfully connected all of my accounts. But, yes, the manual refresh and fill sheets process is not as slick as some others and there does seem to be more MFA hiccups on Tiller than others. BUT, at the end of the day, would I rather work on a platform that:

(a) simply can’t connect to some of my accounts (e.g., the previous platform I was using that couldn’t connect to my kids’ 529 accounts or our mortgage) but connects more easily to those it does connect to


(b) connects to all of my accounts but requires a bit more manual processing to get it all to work

I’m inclined to (b) [ETA: especially now that the connection to Chase just started working again–hallelujah], but I also understand that everyone’s mileage varies in this space depending on the particular accounts you have, how many accounts you have, etc.

@dmetiller I understand your point, but hell, Tiller doesn’t even connect to all of my accounts to begin with.