Time to connect to new linked account

Is there a delay to download trans when you link your Excel sheet to a new account. Tiller Console shows I’m linked to the new card for the spreadsheet BUT the Tiller Money Feeds sidebar does not show it as a linked account. From Tiller Console I have re-established the connection but it the card (Wells Fargo) is still now showing as linked. The card I had to replace was also a WF card and I deleted that one from Tiller approximately a week ago.

Thank you.

So the sequence of events is:

  1. Delete a WF card a week ago
  2. Link a new WF card today(ish)
  3. New card shows on TillerHq console
  4. Excel w/ Tiller add-in panel shows new WF card, but the transactions aren’t importing with autofill?

My WF transactions usually update overnight. When did you add the card?

Perhaps this will help? It looks like you might be in between refresh cycles.

Sorry for not being clear in what I wrote earlier. The sequence is -

  1. Dropped old WF card a week ago (card had been compromised).
  2. Added new card 2 days later when I rec’d new card from WF
  3. Bank texted same day that new card link had been enabled for external transmission of transactions
  4. New card appears as being linked to worksheet in Tiller console
  5. BUT new card DOES NOT APPEAR (capitals added for clarity) in Excel add-in panel even though it has been about 4 - 5 days since new card was linked.

Note: I can tell by going out to my WF site that I have about 10 trans on the new card. Again, WF shows the card has been enabled and linked. and it appeared in the console on the day I linked the card.

Thank you for your thoughts!

As a follow up to what I just wrote. i believe I read in the Tiller instructions or in Community FAQs that if you’re having connection problems, delete the connection and set it up again. That’s what I did 6 hours ago. Just checked and new cr card is still not showing up on the add-in sidebar.

Thanks again for your willingness to help.

BTW…have you got the new card check marked at the top of the Tiller Console? It won’t show up unless it’s checked on the console…happened to me.

That’s under the “LINKED SPREADSHEETS” heading…it shows all your linked accounts.

I’m sorry for the delay in responding. I was away from home for the day. You hit the nail on the head? Brilliant as to your diagnosis. It was not checked. I admit that I do not recall seeing this page before . . . but I most have in order to have linked the other accounts. Thank you very much for your help. I am in your debt.

Best regards,

RW Leigh

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It’s all good. Didn’t know if it would help…