Tutorial Video request : Can you do a video on importing Amazon CSV Line Item Import tool?

Here’s some tricks I used early on when I felt just like you do… omg, my transactions will be all screwed up!

I always made a copy of my Tiller Sheet just in case and then…

First, I categorized my Amazon buys with a category of ‘Amazon’. Then, once I get the CSV, I make these selections:

Then, when I hit the button, the result is my transaction sheet with ONLY the new adds showing.

Then, I color fill the lines.

And fill in my categories.

Next, I turn off the filter to get to my full translations.

Screenshot 2020-07-19 at 7.41.36 AM

And now I can easily spot the changes that the importer made.

Early on, when I screwed stuff up, it was really easy just to go in and delete or fix the added (colored) lines.

I was so hesitant and afraid of screwing stuff up in the beginning. But, now, I no longer even color the lines. I, too, support Amazon fully with nearly every one of my nickels :slight_smile: so the importer is probably one of the most important parts of Tiller for me.

If you break your sheet, go back to the one you saved and try again. I have a folder called Tiller Backups. It’s a safety net that has saved me from my own experimentation many times.