Which Platform Should I Pick? (Comprehensive List of Add-ons?)

Hi again,

Is there a comprehensive list of add-ons from the community?

Or a comparison of what add-ons are available in Sheets vs Excel?

I am much more proficient in Excel but I need some help trying to decide which platform to roll with for the long haul.



Big picture… if you are platform agnostic, we have more templates and workflows available in Sheets. The upside of Excel is mostly that the add-in is more responsive.

Sheets has two add-ons— Tiller Money Solutions (for supported templates and your feeds) and Tiller Community Solutions (for community supported and beta workflows and templates)

Or did you mean templates, @sblagoue? The Excel templates are limited to what is in the add-in and what you can find in community Show & Tell. On the Sheets side, many templates are listed in the Tiller Community Solutions add-on and there are MANY more in the in community Show & Tell.