Ally Bank not syncing

FWIW, as of today, the console shows that my Ally accounts need to be refreshed, but my balances and transactions are actually up to date…

This worked for me. Initially I did 2FA to get them synced, did the Money Feed sync, but only received balances in the sheet (no transactions).

Re-added the Ally accounts as if they weren’t already there, and now I have all transactions up to date with no duplicates.

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@hcrissman, my guess is that it’s going to be a little hit or miss and this experience is going to vary from person to person. If PC is having issues, then it’s a Yodlee thing. Sometimes it’s user/account specific, sometimes it’s more global. When banks make big changes like this (like requiring 2FA of users) Yodlee has to play catch up and it can take a while to work out all the kinks.

Thanks for your patience.

@heather, I’ve tried and tried. I re-added without removing accounts. I removed accounts and then re-added. I refreshed accounts and then went to update sheets in my spreadsheet without opening the Account Summary on Tiller Console. Nothing has worked to update balances and transactions from Ally. How do I take support to the next level, here?
Unfortunately, I’m spending more time troubleshooting with Tiller so far than I spend actually reviewing my finances. My move to Tiller was supposed to make things easier. So far, I wouldn’t say it has. :frowning:

Clicking “add accounts” worked for me, thank goodness! Here’s hoping it stays stable and it gets fixed for everyone else too.

Hi @kjlawless,

Based on what I can tell from our logs, we’ve brought a bunch of data in for your Ally accounts today. Next step would be to open your sheet, open the Tiller Money Feeds add-on and click “update sheets.” Let me know if that doesn’t pull the recent Ally transactions in.

You’ll likely need to visit the Tiller Console each day to reauthenticate Ally going forward now due to their new 2FA requirement and then click “update sheets” to pull that data into the sheet.

I think the issue you continued to see was leftover from the outage, but it seems to have straightened itself out and should continue working with that refresh/update workflow.


I’m also having this issue as of today. Not seeing any transactions and can’t login with Ally via Tiller to fix it. :frowning_face:

Sadly, @heather, none of my transactions have downloaded into my sheet. (I initially created a few different sheets trying them out, but I’m only using the one now… am hesitant to dump the others, though.) I’m guessing the bulk of my activity in the logs is refreshing my logins… I have no idea why it wouldn’t be downloading transactions though. My Chase transactions (and balances) are downloading just fine.

Hi @kjlawless,

I took a second, closer look. I think the issue is that your Ally accounts aren’t linked to any sheets right now :wink:

Select from “Linked accounts” in the Tiller Money Feeds add-on sidebar.

If you had to remove/readd them, this is why they weren’t linked to the sheet anymore.

You’ll also get duplicates if the above is true (remove/readd).


Ally bank is off again?

I agree so much. Always having trouble with accounts not updating


I tried Add Account routine for Ally. It added second account in Tiller Console. In TMF, I unchecked the old account and checked the new account. It worked. All transactions are in without duplicates and balance history is also updated. Two questions:

  1. As expected, in Accounts sheet I have a single account as old account was unchecked in TMF. Is it safe for me to delete the duplicate account in Tiller Console and if so does it matter which I delete? This would also remove the duplicate account in TMF.
  2. In Balances sheet, there are no duplicate accounts and numbers are correct. However, in Business Dashboard I have duplicate accounts. Why this inconsistency and what can I do to remove one of them


Oh, that’s embarrassing, @heather. The good news is, at long last, everything connected and I have downloaded transactions in my sheet. Thank you!

Also, maybe Ally isn’t down any more? I see it in the outages sheet at this moment, but all my transactions just downloaded.

My Ally accounts started syncing this morning after I went in and manually “updated” my account information under my TillerHQ Account Summary page. Typically this fails every time but started working for me this morning. Took a few minutes for my Tiller spreadsheet to actually get refreshed, but it’s back to working!

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I’m continuing to have issues w/Ally. I’ll refresh, then refresh w/MFA, and everything will look like its going to work, but it doesn’t. This morning, I’ve tried refreshing my connection multiple time and its still not updating.

@wordsmithwest, can you please give it another try today? We made some changes to the Account Summary that I hope will help address this issue for you.

if it doesn’t work, can you share more about what you mean by :point_up:

I wasn’t able to sync my Ally account for the last 60 days (!!!) Just tried @poroctor.sdp’s approach and it worked. Thanks!


Just a heads up Ally is on the Outage list again with ETA of 4/10.

Looks like it’s back today. I was able to just now do a sync of my Ally Bank connection.

@heather Any idea what’s going on this time?